
Магический предмет обладает одним или же двумя магическими свойствами - префиксом и/или суффиксом.

Условные обозначения:

Armor включает в себя все виды доспехов и шлемов. Weapons - все оружие.
(P) - магический префикс
(S) - магический суффикс
* - префикс/суффикс доступен только в Hellfire

+ к силе (Strength)

(S) Frailty ((-10)-(-6) to Strength) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Weakness ((-5)-(-1) to Strength)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Strength (1-5 to Strength)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Might (6-10 to Strength) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Power (11-15 to Strength) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Giants (16-20 to Strength) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Titans (21-30 to Strength) - Weapons, Jewelry


+ к магии (Magic)


(S) The Fool ((-10)-(-6) to Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Dyslexia ((-5)-(-1) to Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Magic (1-5 to Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Mind (6-10 to Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Brilliance (11-15 to Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Sorcery (16-20 to Magic) - Armor, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Wizardry (21-30 to Magic) - Staves, Jewelry


+ к ловкости (Dexterity)


(S) Paralysis ((-10)-(-6) to Dexterity)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Atrophy ((-5)-(-1) to Dexterity)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Dexterity (1-5 to Dexterity)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Skill (6-10 to Dexterity) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Accuracy (11-15 to Dexterity) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Precision (16-20 to Dexterity) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Perfection (21-30 to Dexterity) - Bows, Jewelry


+ к живучести (Vitality)


(S) Illness ((-10)-(-6) to Vitality) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Disease ((-5)-(-1) to Vitality)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Vitality (1-5 to Vitality)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Zest (6-10 to Vitality) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Virm (11-15 to Vitality) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Vigor (16-20 to Vitality) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) Life (21-30 to Vitality) - Jewelry


+ ко всем параметрам (All Attributes)


(S) Trouble ((-10)-(-6) to All Attributes)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Pit ((-5)-(-1) to All Attributes)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Sky (1-3 to All Attributes)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Moon (4-7 to All Attributes)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Stars (8-11 to All Attributes) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Heavens (12-15 to All Attributes) - Armor, Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(S) The Zodiac (16-20 to All Attributes) - Jewelry


+ к жизням (Life)


(S) The Vulture ((-25)-(-11) to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Jackal ((-10)-(-1) to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Fox (10-15 to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Jaguar (16-20 to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Eagle (21-30 to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Wolf (31-40 to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Tiger (41-50 to Life) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) The Lion (51-60 to Life) - Armor, Jewelry
(S) The Mammoth (61-80 to Life) - Armor
(S) The Whale (81-100 to Life) - Armor


+ к мане (Mana)


(S) Corruption (-All Mana) - Armor, Shields, Weapons
(P) Hyena's ((-25)-(-11) to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Frog's ((-10)-(-1) to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Spider's (10-15 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Raven's (16-20 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Snake's (21-30 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Serpent's (31-40 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Drake's (41-50 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Dragon's (51-60 to Mana) - Staves, Jewelry
(P) Wyrm's* (61-80 to Mana) - Staves
(P) Hydra's* (81-100 to Mana) - Staves


+ % к классу брони (Armor Class)


(P) Vulnerable ((-100)-(-51)% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Rusted ((-50)-(-25)% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Fine (20-30% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Strong (31-40% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Grand (41-55% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Valiant (56-70% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Glorious (71-90% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Blessed (91-110% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Saintly (111-130% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Awesome (131-150% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Holy (151-170% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields
(P) Godly (171-200% Armor Class) - Armor, Shields


+ % к шансу успешной атаки (To Hit)


(P) Tin ((-10)-(-6)% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Brass ((-5)-(-1)% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Bronze (1-5% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Iron (6-10% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Steel (11-15% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Silver (16-20% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Gold (21-30% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Platinum (31-40% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Mithril (41-60% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Meteoric (61-80% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Weird (81-100% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Strange (101-150% to Hit) - Weapons, Bows


+ % к шансу успешной атаки и урону (To Hit, Damage)

Префикс Doppelganger's дает 10%-й шанс, что монстр получит урон два раза. Это не действует на уникальных монстров и Diablo.

(P) Clumsy ((-10)-(-6)% to Hit, (-75)-(-50)% to Damage)
Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Dull ((-5)-(-1)% to Hit, (-45)-(-25)% to Damage)
Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Sharp (1-5% to Hit, 20-35% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Fine (6-10% to Hit, 36-50% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Warrior's (11-15% to Hit, 51-65% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Soldier's (16-20% to Hit, 66-80% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Lord's (21-30% to Hit, 81-95% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Knight's (31-40% to Hit, 96-110% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Master's (41-50% to Hit, 111-125% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Champion's (51-75% to Hit, 126-150% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Weird (76-100% to Hit, 151-175% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves
(P) Doppelganger's* (21-30% to Hit, 81-95% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves


+ % к урону (Damage)

Decay - бонус снижается на 5% после каждого удара. После того, как бонус достигнет -100%, предмет разрушается.
Crystalline - также имеет на 30-70% меньшую длительность предмета.

(P) Useless ((-100)% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Bent ((-75)-(-50)% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Weak ((-45)-(-25)% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Jagged (20-35% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Deadly (36-50% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Heavy (51-65% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Vicious (66-80% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Brutal (81-95% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Massive (96-110% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Savage (111-125% to Damage) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Ruthless (126-150% to Damage) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Merciless (151-175% to Damage) - Weapons, Bows
(P) Decay* (150-250% to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Crystalline* (200-280% to Damage) - Weapons


+ очков к урону (Damage)


(S) Quality (1-2 to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(S) Maiming (3-5 to Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(S) Slaying (6-8 to Damage) - Weapons
(S) Gore (9-12 to Damage) - Weapons
(S) Carnage (13-16 to Damage) - Weapons
(S) Slaughter (17-20 to Damage) - Weapons


- от полученного урона (Damage Taken)


(S) Pain ((+4)-(+2) Damage Taken) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) Tears ((+1) Damage Taken) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) Health (1 Damage Taken) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) Protection (2 Damage Taken) - Armor, Shields
(S) Absorption (3 Damage Taken) - Armor, Shields
(S) Deflection (4 Damage Taken) - Armor
(S) Osmosis (5-6 Damage Taken) - Armor


+ к повреждению огнем (Fire Damage)


(S) Flame (1-3 Fire Damage) - Bows
(S) Fire (1-6 Fire Damage) - Bows
(S) Burning (1-16 Fire Damage) - Bows
(P) Flaming (1-10 Fire Damage) - Weapons, Staves


+ к повреждению молнией (Lightning Damage)


(S) Shock (1-6 Lightning Damage) - Bows
(S) Lightning (1-10 Lightning Damage) - Bows
(S) Thunder (1-20 Lightning Damage) - Bows
(P) Lightning (1-20 Lightning Damage) - Weapons, Staves


+ % кражи жизней (Life Steal)


(S) The Leech (3% Life Steal) - Weapons
(S) Blood (5% Life Steal) - Weapons


+ % кражи маны (Mana Steal)


(S) The Bat (3% Mana Steal) - Weapons
(S) Vampires (5% Mana Steal) - Weapons


+ % к сопротивлению магии (Magic Resist)


(P) White (10-20% Resist Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Pearl (21-30% Resist Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Ivory (31-40% Resist Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Crystal (41-50% Resist Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Diamond (51-60% Resist Magic)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry


+ % к сопротивлению огню (Fire Resist)


(P) Red (10-20% Resist Fire)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Crimson (21-30% Resist Fire)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Crimson (31-40% Resist Fire)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Garnet (41-50% Resist Fire)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Ruby (51-60% Resist Fire)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry


+ % к сопротивлению молнии (Lightning Resist)


(P) Blue (10-20% Resist Lightning)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Azure (21-30% Resist Lightning)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Lapis (31-40% Resist Lightning)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Cobalt (41-50% Resist Lightning)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Sapphire (51-60% Resist Lightning)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry


+ % к сопротивлению всему (Resist All)


(P) Topaz (10-15% Resist All)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Amber (16-20% Resist All)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Jade (21-30% Resist All)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Obsidian (31-40% Resist All)
Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows, Jewelry
(P) Emerald (41-50% Resist All) - Shields, Weapons, Staves, Bows


+ к уровням магии (Spell Levels)


(P) Angel's (1 to All Spells) - Staves
(P) Arch-Angel's (2 to All Spells) - Staves


x количество зарядов магии (Charges)


(P) Plentiful (x2 Charges) - Staves
(P) Bountiful (x3 Charges) - Staves


+ % к повреждению брони врага (Damage Armor)


(S) Piercing (25% Damage Armor) - Weapons, Bows
(S) Puncturing (50% Damage Armor) - Weapons, Bows
(S) Bashing (75% Damage Armor) - Weapons


+ % к радиусу света (Light Radius)


(S) The Dark (-40% to Light Radius) - Armor, Weapons, Jewelry
(S) The Night (-20% to Light Radius) - Armor, Weapons, Jewelry
(S) Light (20% to Light Radius) - Armor, Weapons, Jewelry
(S) Radiance (40% to Light Radius) - Armor, Weapons, Jewelry


+ к скорости атаки (Attack Speed)


(S) Readiness (Quick Attack) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(S) Swiftness (Fast Attack) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(S) Speed (Faster Attack) - Weapons, Staves
(S) Haste (Fastest Attack) - Weapons, Staves


+ к восстановлению после удара (Hit Recovery)


(S) Balance (Fast Hit Recovery) - Armor, Jewelry
(S) Stability (Faster Hit Recovery) - Armor, Jewelry
(S) Harmony (Fastest Hit Recovery) - Armor, Jewelry


+ % к длительности предмета (Durability)


(S) Fragility (Durability = 1) - Armor, Jewelry
(S) Brittleness ((-75)-(-25)% Durability) - Armor, Jewelry
(S) Sturdiness (25-75% Durability) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves
(S) Craftmanship (51-100% Durability) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves
(S) Structure (101-200% Durability) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves
(S) Many (100% Durability) - Bows
(S) Sturdiness (200% Durability) - Bows
(S) The Ages (Indestructible) - Armor, Shields, Weapons, Staves


Прочие свойства

Свойства Thieves, Thorns, Devastation, Jester's и Peril не действуют в сражении между игроками.

(S) The Bear (Knocks Target Back) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(S) Blocking (Fast Block) - Shields
(S) Thieves (Absorbs Half Trap Damage) - Armor, Shields, Jewelry
(S) Thorns (Attacker takes 1-3 Damage) - Armor, Shields
(S) Devastation* (5% Change Doing x3 Damage) - Weapons, Staves, Bows
(P) Jester's* (Each Swing Does x0-6 Damage) - Weapons
(S) Peril* (x2 Damage to Monster, x1 to User) - Weapons, Staves, Bows

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